Here is what player movements on the alpha islands looked like in the last few days. Can you find your trail?
Also, the new dev server is finally up, so development pace can pick up again. The next patch is going to be exciting!
Official previews, reports, sneak peeks, speculations and rambling by your wonderful Perpetuum developers.
May contain traces of epriton.
Comments for this post
1 Lodge
2 Alexadar
3 Najtkinke
4 dOob
5 Reefpirate
(these are really cool pictures by the way)
6 DEV Zoom
7 Alexander
Roaming Party
8 OnOff
9 Glimmers
10 Adom
11 Annihilator
but i never expected it to "look" that great :D
nor to get a view on it...
12 Outlaw
13 Nasheed
14 0ptimus Prime
15 XrayIT
very interesting
16 Steeldragonz
17 Khadia Khan
18 scorpion
I'm leaving the game, I'm not a masochist and not a millionaire!
you lose a lot of subscribers!
19 scorpion