Here's a bit of a pre-xmas sneak peek on the progress of the new terrain engine. We're still heavily working on it, but the difference is already very notable. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below!

Comments for this post

1 Arga

Very nice, much better immersion!

2 Celebro

Nice much more realistic, hope I can still run game smoothly, great work Devs.

3 Kynes

Nice job!

4 Winter Solstice

Breathtaking! Can't wait to go on a sightseeing tour when it's active :)

5 Gremrod

Very nice so far. Great job.

6 Annihilator

yeah, really nice view! now please a night shot!

7 Alexadar

I want to build a village on that green island)))

8 Alexadar

What about new plans for GFX and animations, Boyc?

9 Graebon

Looks amazing, will this new engine put a bigger strain on the user systems?

10 DEV BoyC

The new engine reduces strain on the currently overloaded cpu side and increases load on the currently underused gpu side - this means that on most systems the performance shouldn't change, or you might even notice some improvements. Systems with lower end mobile systems will probably feel the increased fillrate requirements, but these shouldn't be drastic changes either.

As for new GFX and animations, that's actually graphical content which is constantly being worked on but has little to do with the rendering engine that draws it. Tomorrow's patch for example will see 6 robots get upgraded walking animations with more to come soon.

11 DEV Zoom

The patch is actually on Friday :)

12 DEV BoyC

Right, sorry for the misinformation :)

13 Syrissa

looks realy nice... looking forward to it.

14 DEV BoyC

Just to be clear: this doesn't go out yet on friday, it's still a work in progress :)

15 Scyylla


Please keep it up!

16 Cobalt

Looking WIP, we can see you guys are working hard to improve your game, the result is really cool ;) We are many to follow you and your baby. Perseverance, hope, dedication and for sure talent always pay imo.

17 The Shade

looks much better way to go guys

18 Burial

This looks awesome. How is the performance side?

19 01100011010011001001001

SO this goes out Friday...awesome!

20 Armpit

Fantastic. The Nuimqol Union islands in particular look rather dull and dreary. This should make a big difference - can't wait. Good work :)


New mountains is awesome.

22 Eng Daniel

You can't make one island ready to test it or a special client?

23 Obi Wan Kenobi

man that looks nice! good job devs

24 Annihilator

"Eng Daniel
2011-12-24 00:48:59
You can't make one island ready to test it or a special client?"

its not the terrain or island that got changed, its the GFX engine that renders the terrain that is beeing worked on.

25 Taras


26 Annihilator

question: does shader 3.0 also enable to have areas with a dense forrest of amidopsia, with at least ~9km²

27 Aaron Sool

Is there a ETA when this will go live?

28 Aaron Sool

And also, when will we see new avatars ingame? :P

29 Akva

whether dear developer I want to ask there will be improvements of graphics of animation?