Admittedly, the recent 48 hours weren't the particularly the merriest ones in Perpetuumland, so let me try to attempt to address some of the major issues that arose and have been discussed during this period.
Exploits and reimbursements
There have been some occurrences of faulty functioning on server-side which were widely discussed on the forums. As a general statement, I'd like to remind everyone that as it says in the EULA, the abuse of such faulty mechanics is forbidden, and you may be risking your account status by doing so.
The most prominent such issue, as most might have heard of, was an anomaly which resulted in bots respawning in your hangar after they've been shot, essentially allowing you to fight with the same robot multiple times, turning Perpetuum into something of a George Romero movie. This was prominently used during a major fight on Monday; to address this, we will reimburse those players who suffered losses to these zombie bots, and will also temporarily suspend the accounts of those players who have repeatedly utilized this flaw.
Another, less problematic issue arose from the change of the production fees on Gamma islands: now that the mechanic has changed, and fees are returned to the owner corporation instead of the Syndicate, we will retroactively reimburse the corporations with these fees for their previous productions as well, since they should've been receiving these funds in the first place.
The Big One
And now for the most uncomfortable part: Our announcement about the adjustment of the gamma teleport ranges kicked up a massive stink, and it'd be feeble not to address that. To this end, we'd like to offer a chance to the major corporations / alliances involved in this game to express their opinions on the upcoming change, and invite them to a public roundtable on July the 5th (this forum and the opening post will continue to update with more information), where we'd like to provide an opportunity for the delegates of these groups to debate the change, provide us developers with enough insight so that we can handle this right, or even to make further adjustments. This also means that said change will be postponed until we have reached an agreement with the playerbase.
This all, of course, is far from being a final denouement of the situation, and we're well aware of that, but admittedly we painted ourselves in a corner a bit, so at this point what we feel is best, is to give you players a chance to right our wrongs.
Comments for this post
1 Crepitus
2 Crepitus
3 DEV Gargaj
4 Zortarg
5 Crepitus
6 DEV Gargaj
7 Cassius
8 N1nhurs4g
9 Wari
10 mqx
11 paKK
So i guess the problem is from the game why be so hard with the few guys who used that exploit, seriously explain me why in the past some ppl haven't get ban/kick for some exploits ? i feel like you wana find a guilty for a problem that you are both involved (i mean players and Devs)