Steam Trading Cards and emoticons

Steam Trading Cards for Perpetuum are now available!

If you are a Steam-dweller you probably know what these are, but here is a quick recap:

Playing Perpetuum on Steam will give you trading cards from time to time (every 30 minutes of gameplay to be exact). A set consists of 5 cards, and you can get half of this (rounded up, so 3) by simply playing.

The other half (and more) can be acquired by in-game purchases (Perpetuum Credits) or via the Steam community market. (I'll quote the Steam Trading Card FAQ here: "For every $9 USD spent (approximate) (...), you will earn one card drop. This card will drop at some point as you play.")

Completing a card set will earn you a badge, a random emoticon and profile background, and other stuff.


  • 5 trading cards
  • 5 badge levels (plus 1 foil badge)
  • 5 profile backgrounds (3 common, 1 uncommon, and 1 rare)
  • 10 emoticons (6 common, 3 uncommon, 1 rare)

Happy card hunting!

Comments for this post

1 Chemist

It is very important for us!

2 DEV Zoom

It helps with the game's discoverability a lot, so yes, it is :)

3 Kvazio

Good news:)
Now I need more steam accounts...

4 Quelaag

Not Ictus? Rly? :(

5 logicalNegation

Yay stuff!