The final 4 robots of the new Syndicate line make their debut in patch 3.8.3, alongside of numerous balancing changes. In this blog we'll take an in-depth look at all these updates - spreadsheets warning ahead!

Helix and Callisto



Class: Light robot specialized in electronic warfare

"The Helix is a good all-rounder when it comes to electronic warfare. While it may not be the toughest bot around, combining a light chassis with an assault-class undercarriage makes it probably the fastest."


  • Head slots: 3
  • Leg slots: 2
  • Chassis slots: 3 (2x light turret/misc, 1x light/medium misc)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% increase to EW strength
  • 3% reduction to EW modules accumulator usage
  • -0.10 to surface hit size
  • 1% reduction to firearms cycle time
  • +2 to signal masking

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 350 AP @ 120sec recharge
  • CPU: 220 TF
  • Reactor: 170 RP
  • Armor: 725 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 3 m
  • Locking range: 350 m
  • Sensor strength: 110 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 75 rF
  • Signal masking: 120 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 3.75 U
  • Slope capability: 56°
  • Mass: 6000 kg
  • Base speed: 129.6 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 80 TM tokens
  • 80 ICS tokens
  • 80 ASI tokens
  • 800,000 NIC



Class: Mech specialized in electronic warfare

"Employing our own technologies and incorporating all the knowledge that we have gained from the Nian factions, the Callisto is an elusive and flexible mech for tackling and shutting down enemy units."


  • Head slots: 4
  • Leg slots: 4
  • Chassis slots: 3 (3x light/medium turret/misc)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% increase to EW strength
  • 3% reduction to EW modules accumulator usage
  • -0.10 to surface hit size
  • 1% reduction to firearms cycle time
  • +2 to signal masking

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 2600 AP @ 360sec recharge
  • CPU: 450 TF
  • Reactor: 700 RP
  • Armor: 1350 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 6 m
  • Locking range: 400 m
  • Sensor strength: 120 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 110 rF
  • Signal masking: 110 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 7.5 U
  • Slope capability: 45°
  • Mass: 16500 kg
  • Base speed: 95.4 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 700 TM tokens
  • 700 ICS tokens
  • 700 ASI tokens
  • 8,000,000 NIC
Legatus and Metis



Class: Heavy mech specialized in firearms

"Alluding on its appearance our engineers have nicknamed it "Doc". Aptly so, as the Legatus can administer a swarm of good old glowing hot bullets at a relatively long range for those in need. And that without writing out a prescription."


  • Head slots: 4
  • Leg slots: 6
  • Chassis slots: 6 (2x light/medium turret, 2x light/medium turret/misc, 2x light/medium turret/misc/industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% increase to firearms optimal range
  • 3% increase to firearms damage
  • -0.20 to surface hit size
  • 1% reduction to firearms cycle time
  • +3 to passive resistances
  • 9% reduction to NEXUS modules accumulator usage

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 3850 AP @ 720sec recharge
  • CPU: 370 TF
  • Reactor: 1200 RP
  • Armor: 3750 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 9 m
  • Locking range: 350 m
  • Sensor strength: 90 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 90 rF
  • Signal masking: 90 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 12 U
  • Slope capability: 45°
  • Mass: 34000 kg
  • Base speed: 72 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 2,000 TM tokens
  • 2,000 ICS tokens
  • 2,000 ASI tokens
  • 20,000,000 NIC



Class: Heavy mech specialized in combat support

"Exceptional energy output and defense capabilities - two traits that turn this heavy mech into an indispensable powerhouse on the battlefield. The Metis is the holy grail of remote support, which usually makes it a primary target in the eyes of enemy commanders."


  • Head slots: 6
  • Leg slots: 6
  • Chassis slots: 6 (2x light/medium industrial, 3x light/medium misc/industrial, 1x light/medium turret/missile/misc)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% reduction to engineering modules cycle time
  • 3% increase to armor repair amount
  • 3% reduction to accumulator recharge time
  • 1% increase to armor hit points
  • -0.30 to surface hit size
  • 9% reduction to NEXUS modules accumulator usage

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 3800 AP @ 360sec recharge
  • CPU: 600 TF
  • Reactor: 1200 RP
  • Armor: 5500 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 13 m
  • Locking range: 230 m
  • Sensor strength: 100 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 70 rF
  • Signal masking: 70 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 21 U
  • Slope capability: 45°
  • Mass: 60000 kg
  • Base speed: 66.6 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 4,000 TM tokens
  • 4,000 ICS tokens
  • 4,000 ASI tokens
  • 40,000,000 NIC

Balancing changes

Tuning module rebalancing

The last patch introduced diminishing returns when using tuning modules in the form of exponentially increasing accumulator usage. The changes were a bit on the brute force side, so in 3.8.3 we are refining this concept further and create some diversity between tuning module tiers.

There is now an efficiency difference between tiers (efficiency meaning what you get from the module for the accumulator used). T1 and T3/T3- have balanced efficiency, T2/T2+ have higher efficiency (meaning the energy usage penalty is less than the provided bonus), and T4/T4+ have low efficiency (energy penalty is higher than the bonus).

In practice this means that if you want to go for maximum bonuses using multiple high tier tunings, you'll experience exponentially higher accumulator usage with every additional tuning. However, if you are concerned about accumulator stability, you can choose lower tier tunings, which provide lower bonuses, but at much better efficiency, with lower accumulator usage penalties.


  • The additional remote repair accumulator penalty has been removed, as the armor repair penalty also affects remote repair modules.
  • To make things more simple, cycle time modification has been removed (hence all the 1s in the "After" table here) so the new balance is done using only accumulator modification and repair amount modification.


TIER Acc MOD Repair MOD Cycle MOD
T0 1.3 1.1 0.97
T1 1.3 1.3 0.95
T2 1.3 1.3 0.95
T2+ 1.3 1.35 0.95
T3- 1.3 1.4 0.92
T3 1.3 1.4 0.92
T4 1.3 1.5 0.9
T4+ 1.3 1.55 0.9


TIER Acc MOD Repair MOD Cycle MOD Ratio
T0 1.4 1.1 1 0.79
T1 1.2 1.2 1 1
T2 1.1 1.2 1 1.09
T2+ 1.15 1.3 1 1.13
T3- 1.4 1.4 1 1
T3 1.4 1.4 1 1
T4 1.6 1.45 1 0.91
T4+ 1.7 1.55 1 0.91



T0 1.3 1.1
T1 1.3 1.3
T2 1.3 1.3
T2+ 1.3 1.35
T3- 1.3 1.4
T3 1.3 1.4
T4 1.3 1.5
T4+ 1.3 1.55


TIER Acc MOD Gather MOD Ratio
T0 1.4 1.1 0.79
T1 1.2 1.2 1
T2 1.1 1.2 1.09
T2+ 1.15 1.3 1.13
T3- 1.4 1.4 1
T3 1.4 1.4 1
T4 1.6 1.45 0.91
T4+ 1.7 1.55 0.91


  • EnWar tunings did not have a diminishing returns factor so far, quite the contrary actually. The more tunings you used, the better your drainers/neutralizers became. This is turned around with the new values, so efficiency is either balanced (T1/T2), or reduced (T3/T4) the more tunings you equip.
  • This is more interesting for neutralizers since the used and neutralized energy amounts are more closer; for T4 medium tunings the turning point in efficiency (when you need to sacrifice more energy than the amount you neutralize) arrives at using 3x tunings. (For those curious, in the case of T4 medium drainers this theoretically happens at 17x tunings.)
  • The difference between drained and neutralized energy modification has been removed.


T1 1.1 1.1 1.2
T2 1.1 1.1 1.2
T3 1.1 1.13 1.23
T4 1.1 1.15 1.25


TIER Acc MOD Drain MOD Neut MOD Ratio
T1 1.1 1.1 1.1 1
T2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1
T3 1.2 1.13 1.13 0.94
T4 1.3 1.15 1.15 0.88


  • Creating a difference in accumulator usage modifiers between the weapon types was a bad idea, now all types of weapon tunings use the same values. This retains the specific accumulator usage traits of each weapon and creates the same efficiency reduction curve when using multiple tunings.
  • The same tier efficiency ratio differences are used here as for repair and industrial tunings.
  • Cycle time modification has been removed here as well, efficiency is controlled by only accumulator usage versus damage modification.

BEFORE (magnetic weapon tunings taken as the example)

TIER Acc MOD Damage MOD Cycle MOD
T0 1.5 1.03 0.97
T1 1.5 1.05 0.95
T2 1.5 1.05 0.95
T2+ 1.5 1.055 0.95
T3- 1.5 1.075 0.95
T3 1.5 1.075 0.95
T4 1.5 1.075 0.925
T4+ 1.5 1.085 0.925

AFTER (for all wapon types)

TIER Acc MOD Damage MOD Cycle MOD Ratio
T0 1.4 1.05 1 0.75
T1 1.1 1.1 1 1
T2 1.05 1.1 1 1.05
T2+ 1.05 1.2 1 1.14
T3- 1.3 1.3 1 1
T3 1.3 1.3 1 1
T4 1.55 1.4 1 0.9
T4+ 1.7 1.5 1 0.88

Medium firearm balancing

Long range firearms (autocannons) were using disproportionally less energy than their short range brothers, so their accumulator usage has been brought in line.

BEFORE (Machine gun vs Autocannon)

MG Cycle Accumulator Damage DPS Accu per sec DPS ratio* Accu ratio*
T1 4 2 160 40 0.50 1.49 2.00
T2 4 1 160 40 0.25 1.49 2.00
T3 4 2 170 42.5 0.50 1.51 4.00
T4 3 2 135 45 0.67 1.44 2.67

AC Cycle Accumulator Damage DPS Accu per sec
T1 8 2 215 26.875 0.25
T2 8 1 215 26.875 0.13
T3 8 1 225 28.125 0.13
T4 8 2 250 31.25 0.25

AFTER (Machine gun vs Autocannon - accumulator usage brought in line, tier cycle times equalized)

MG Cycle Accumulator Damage DPS Accu per sec DPS ratio* Accu ratio*
T1 4 2 160 40 0.50 1.49 1.45
T2 4 1.5 160 40 0.38 1.49 1.46
T3 4 2 170 42.5 0.50 1.51 1.51
T4 4 2.5 180 45 0.63 1.44 1.43

AC Cycle Accumulator Damage DPS Accu per sec
T1 8 2.75 215 26.875 0.34
T2 8 2.05 215 26.875 0.26
T3 8 2.65 225 28.125 0.33
T4 8 3.5 250 31.25 0.44

* DPS and Accumulator ratio is MG/AC
** DPS is calculated with using 1 damage ammos for simplicity's sake and doesn't consider ciritical hits

Weapon hit dispersion balancing

In order to widen the gap between light and medium weapons, the hit dispersion of guns and the explosion size of missiles got increased. This increases survivability of light robots against larger robots (if the latter use medium weapons, which they mostly do).

Weapon Before After
Short Laser 8 16
Long Laser 8 18
Short Magnetic 10 18
Long Magnetic 10 20
Short Firearm 12 22
Long Firearm 10 20
Compact Missile 8 14
Ballistic Missile 9 16

NEXUS module specialization

NEXUS modules are being rebalanced to become a specialty for heavy-class robots. This is achieved by drastically increasing the accumulator usage of the modules, and adding a strong accumulator usage reduction bonus to the robots themselves. In practice this means that the following robots will be able to use NEXUS modules efficiently:

  • Gropho
  • Seth
  • Mesmer
  • Lithus
  • Legatus
  • Metis
  • Riveler
  • Symbiont
  • Scarab

NEXUS-related extensions will be reimbursed during the patch in order to let players reconsider their usage.

Other changes

  • Increased the missile cycle time bonus of Troiar, Ictus, and Gropho from 1% to 3% per extension level.
  • Doubled the mass of light armor plates and tripled the mass of medium armor plates.


Patch 3.8.3 including the final wave of Syndicate robots and all the above changes will be deployed next week - the exact day and time will be announced soon.

The 3rd group of Syndicate robots is just around the corner, so let's have a closer look at them. This wave consists of two assault-class robots: the Cronus, specialized in both mining and harvesting, and the Hermes, specialized in artifact hunting.



Class: Assault robot specialized in mining and harvesting

"The Cronus is the missing link between the light and mech class Nian industrial robots, suitable for both mining and harvesting duties.

Although it can't really compete with the higher robot classes regarding productivity, its versatility makes it the Swiss Army knife of small-scale industrial operations."


  • Head slots: 3
  • Leg slots: 3
  • Chassis slots: 4 (2x light industrial, 2x light/medium industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% increase to mined amount
  • 3% increase to harvested amount
  • 3% reduction to industrial module cycle time
  • 3% reduction to accumulator recharge time
  • +2 to signal masking

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 1400 AP @ 300sec recharge
  • CPU: 220 TF
  • Reactor: 310 RP
  • Armor: 1000 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points to kinetic/seismic/thermal (31%), 30 points to chemical (23%)
  • Surface hit size: 5 m
  • Locking range: 200 m
  • Sensor strength: 100 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 90 rF
  • Signal masking: 105 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 12 U
  • Slope capability: 51°
  • Mass: 15000 kg
  • Base speed: 99 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 60 TM tokens
  • 60 ICS tokens
  • 60 ASI tokens
  • 750,000 NIC



Class: Assault robot specialized in exploration

"The Nians apparently don't care much for their own history, so there wasn't any specialized robot that we could use as our own to discover underground artifacts.

However, with the use of hybrid technologies we were able to build the Hermes - an assault robot that is not only equipped with accurate and high range underground sensors, but also has ample combat capabilities to defend itself when facing an ambush."


  • Head slots: 3
  • Leg slots: 3
  • Chassis slots: 4 (2x light turret/misc, 2x light/medium turret/misc/industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 3% increase to artifact scanning range
  • 3% increase to geoscanner accuracy
  • 3% increase to firearms damage
  • 1% reduction to firearms cycle time
  • +2 to signal masking

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 450 AP @ 240sec recharge (updated!)
  • CPU: 120 TF
  • Reactor: 300 RP
  • Armor: 800 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points to kinetic/seismic/thermal (31%), 30 points to chemical (23%)
  • Surface hit size: 4 m (updated!)
  • Locking range: 200 m
  • Sensor strength: 100 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 90 rF
  • Signal masking: 100 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 16 U
  • Slope capability: 56° (the same as light robots)
  • Mass: 14000 kg
  • Base speed: 108 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 60 TM tokens
  • 60 ICS tokens
  • 60 ASI tokens
  • 750,000 NIC

Balancing changes

  • Increased the base speed of the Argano and the Laird (including all variants) from 104.4 kph to 109.8 kph.
  • Replaced the artifact scanning range bonus of the Argano with a bonus to signal masking.


Patch 3.8.2 including the two new robots and the above mentioned changes will be deployed next week - the exact day and time will be announced soon.

So after a little unplanned delay, we're continuing the release of new Syndicate robots. This time we're introducing two mech-class robots: the Echelon, a combat mech, and the Daidalos, a mech-class transport.



Class: Mech specialized in firearms

"The big brother of the Locust in every way, employing the same self-adjusting armor plating technology and stabilized machine guns. Syndicate generals usually like to put the Echelon where it belongs: to the forefront of intense battles."


  • Head slots: 4
  • Leg slots: 5
  • Chassis slots: 4 (2x light/medium turret, 2x light/medium turret/misc)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 2% reduction to the hit dispersion of guns
  • 3% to firearms damage
  • 1% to firearms cycle time
  • -0.10 to surface hit size
  • 2% to demobilizer resistance

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 1800 AP @ 420sec recharge
  • CPU: 250 TF
  • Reactor: 900 RP
  • Armor: 2900 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 7 m
  • Locking range: 300 m
  • Sensor strength: 130 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 130 rF
  • Signal masking: 90 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 9 U
  • Mass: 28000 kg
  • Base speed: 90 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 250 TM tokens
  • 250 ICS tokens
  • 250 ASI tokens
  • 4,000,000 NIC



Class: Mech specialized in transportation

"We call it 'the hauler with a punch'. The Daidalos is a curious experiment in our efforts aimed to create a versatile transport robot that's more than just a sitting duck when ambushed.

Capacity-wise it fits right between the assault and heavy mech class transports, and while it's not as tough as the Lithus, when aided by a few combat escorts it is more than capable of helping out with some damage-dealing on its own."


  • Head slots: 3
  • Leg slots: 5
  • Chassis slots: 4 (2x light/medium turret, 2x light/medium industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 10% to firearms damage (that's no mistake, it is 10% damage increase per level)
  • -0.20 to surface hit size
  • 1% to armor hit points
  • +3 to passive resistances
  • +2 to signal masking

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 1800 AP @ 480sec recharge
  • CPU: 220 TF
  • Reactor: 500 RP
  • Armor: 2000 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points to kinetic/seismic/thermal (31%), 30 points to chemical (23%)
  • Surface hit size: 8 m
  • Locking range: 200 m
  • Sensor strength: 100 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 110 rF
  • Signal masking: 100 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 160 U
  • Mass: 48000 kg
  • Base speed: 81 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 350 TM tokens
  • 350 ICS tokens
  • 350 ASI tokens
  • 5,000,000 NIC

Balancing changes

Like in the case of the first wave, robot balance has been reviewed within the currently released class, although this time I felt like a small boost to the Tyrannos was the only change necessary.

The already released Syndicate robots have been also revisited, and based on your feedback and my testing sessions, a few balancing changes have been made.

The list of changes:

  • Increased the missile cycle time bonus of the Tyrannos from 1% to 3% per extension level.
  • Reduced the base surface hit size of the Vektor from 3 to 2.5.
  • Reduced the base surface hit size of the Locust from 4 to 3.5.
  • Increased the NIC cost of the Locust from 500,000 to 750,000 (token costs remain unchanged).
  • Increased the base mass of the Locust from 11,800 kg to 15,000 kg (which means less speed reduction coming from equipped modules).


All this is part of patch 3.8.1, which will be deployed tomorrow, September 23 at 15:00 CEST/servertime (13:00 UTC). Downtime is estimated to last about 1 hour.

As announced in the previous blog, we are developing 11 new robots belonging to the Syndicate faction. The first wave of these robots is just around the corner, so today we’ll take an in-depth look at them.

General traits

In terms of offense, the most notable attribute of the hybrid Nian-Earth tech Syndicate robots is of course their specialization for firearms. These types of guns are famous for their almost negligible energy usage, their damage and versatility coming from the available ammo types, but also for their inaccuracy and short optimal range. Syndicate robots were built with this in mind, and they are also trying to compensate for the shortcomings of these weapons.

Defense-wise their main strategy is basically to not get hit. Their armor is the weakest of all the factions, and armor resistances are universal but not very high. However, this is more than made up by their low hit size, either from the get-go or via bonuses, which can be further reduced by using an evasive module.

Looking at their base speed, they are rather on the slower end, but their relatively high mass means that they won’t lose that much of that speed when you equip them.

Last but not least, their signal detection and masking values are the best in their class, making them exceptionally useful in scouting and covert operations.

TL;DR Syndicate robots are hard to hit bulletstorm glass-ninjas.

These are mostly true for the combat-type robots, but we’ll also have 5 industrial types within the Syndicate faction. They are generally intended to fill some missing roles and industrial classes, and their traits will be a mix of the Syndicate flavor and the robots of the Nian Industrial Trust.

Let’s take a look at the first 3 robots in detail. Note that the parameters can still change and we’ll revisit them once they’ve been in use for a while.



Class: Light robot specialized in firearms

"The smallest member of our hybrid-technology fleet of robots. Its armor is weaker than the average, but its small size makes up for it, resulting in a hard to hit target. Coupled with excellent detection and masking systems, the Vektor makes not only a good scout, but a tough opponent in combat as well."


  • Head slots: 3
  • Leg slots: 2
  • Chassis slots: 4 (2x light turret/misc, 2x light/medium turret/misc/industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 1% reduction to the hit dispersion of guns
  • 3% to light firearms damage
  • 1% to firearms cycle time
  • -0.10 to surface hit size
  • +2 to signal detection

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 200 AP @ 120sec recharge
  • CPU: 155 TF
  • Reactor: 150 RP
  • Armor: 650 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 3 m
  • Locking range: 150 m
  • Sensor strength: 130 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 125 rF
  • Signal masking: 105 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 3.75 U
  • Mass: 7850 kg
  • Base speed: 104.4 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 20 TM tokens
  • 20 ICS tokens
  • 20 ASI tokens
  • 150,000 NIC



Class: Assault robot specialized in firearms

"The gist of our firearm-wielding force. A swarm of Locusts can quickly shred enemy groups, but their specialized framework increases their survivability in solo engagements too."


  • Head slots: 4
  • Leg slots: 3
  • Chassis slots: 5 (3x light turret, 2x light/medium turret/misc/industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • 1% reduction to the hit dispersion of guns
  • 3% to firearms damage
  • 1% to firearms cycle time
  • -0.10 to surface hit size
  • 2% to firearms optimal range

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 400 AP @ 180sec recharge
  • CPU: 230 TF
  • Reactor: 280 RP
  • Armor: 975 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points universally (31%)
  • Surface hit size: 4 m
  • Locking range: 200 m
  • Sensor strength: 110 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 110 rF
  • Signal masking: 110 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 6 U
  • Mass: 11800 kg
  • Base speed: 106.2 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 50 TM tokens
  • 50 ICS tokens
  • 50 ASI tokens
  • 500,000 NIC



Class: Light robot specialized in transportation

"The Ikarus is a snappy answer to the Perpetuum Project's long-standing need for a fast and light transport. Its main element is a repurposed Argano-chassis, stripped of anything disposable to make room for the relatively large cargo hold. Aided by the agile undercarriage of the Laird, this is the most efficient robot to get fair-sized packages from A to B quickly. Speed comes at a price though, as the construction is very fragile."


  • Head slots: 1
  • Leg slots: 1
  • Chassis slots: 1 (light/medium turret/missile/misc/industrial)

Bonuses (per extension level)

  • +2 to signal detection
  • +2 to signal masking
  • 3% to demobilizer resistance
  • 1% to armor hit points
  • +3 to passive armor resistances

Notable stats

  • Accumulator: 150 AP @ 240sec recharge
  • CPU: 100 TF
  • Reactor: 100 RP
  • Armor: 500 HP
  • Passive resistances: 45 points to kinetic/seismic/thermal (31%), 30 points to chemical (23%)
  • Surface hit size: 2.50 m
  • Locking range: 120 m
  • Sensor strength: 90 Hw³
  • Signal detection: 110 rF
  • Signal masking: 100 rF
  • Cargo capacity: 20 U
  • Mass: 8950 kg
  • Base speed: 120.6 kph

Syndicate Supplies cost

  • 10 TM tokens
  • 10 ICS tokens
  • 10 ASI tokens
  • 100,000 NIC

Balancing and new extensions

We’re introducing two new extensions that will be required to control these robots: Syndicate combat robot control and Syndicate industrial robot control. It’s not hard to guess that these are the equivalents of the Pelistal/Nuimqol/Thelodica robot control extensions (with the same complexity of 9), but since here the combat and industrial types are part of the same faction we felt the need to split it up into two extensions. The rest of the requirements are designed to be on par with the other factions and are using the same extensions, depending on the robot’s class.

Of course the introduction of a whole new faction can’t go without some adjustments to the existing factions and robots. With each patch we’ll take a look at the balance within the actual class of robots and make changes if necessary. This not only means that we’ll balance regarding the newly added robots to try to fit them in, but we’ll also revisit the balance between the existing old factions. Finally, during or after the last waves we’ll check up on the global balance between robot classes and try to fix some long-standing issues e.g. with speeds.


This first wave of Syndicate robots is planned to be deployed in patch 3.8, around the middle of next week, along with some fixes as usual. The exact time and date of the patch will be announced soon.

The rest of the robots will be introduced in a similar way over the next few months: a detailed writeup of the actual wave of 2 or maybe 3 robots will precede their deployment, and the waves are currently planned to be 3-5 weeks apart, depending on any additional features or fixes that may come with the patch.

Over the years we have spent on Nia, we have learnt to hijack Nian technology, turn it against themselves, and even managed to reprogram their bases and facilities to produce more weapons and hardware needed for our cause.

Now, by salvaging and disassembling Nian robots and combining them with good old Earth technology, the Syndicate hopes to surprise the enemy by fielding something they haven’t seen so far.

Syndicate robots

Soon, the Syndicate will become a full-fledged 4th faction (or 5th if we count the Nian Industrial Trust as one) with its own line of specialized robots that you can use.

Currently 11 new robots are planned, which are assembled from existing Nian robot parts, but each of them will have their own unique stats and bonuses. As you might have already guessed, a common trait, being their faction specialization, are machine guns.

Beyond mirroring the standard line of combat bots of other factions, we’re also trying to fill some roles that we didn’t have robots for thus far, like a light transport or a robot specialized for artifact exploration.

Here is a general list of what you can expect:

  • Vektor: light combat robot
  • Helix: light robot specialized for electronic warfare
  • Locust: assault-class combat robot
  • Echelon: combat mech
  • Callisto: mech specialized for electronic warfare
  • Legatus: heavy combat mech
  • Ikarus: fast light transport
  • Cronus: assault-class industrial robot suitable for both mining and harvesting
  • Hermes: assault-class robot specialized for artifact exploration
  • Daidalos: mech-class transport, aimed to fill the gap between the Sequer and the Lithus
  • Metis: heavy mech specialized for remote support modules

Introducing these robots into the game will happen through the Syndicate Supplies shop. First and foremost we’re planning a direct purchase for a combination of Pelistal, Nuimqol, and Thelodica faction tokens, plus a NIC fee. These robots are not indended to be rare, so the cost will be more or less in line with the other faction’s robots, and the triple-token requirement should liven up the market a bit.

Over the next few blogs we will take a detailed look at each of the robots, dive into their stats and bonuses, strengths and weaknesses, and everything you'd want to know about your new best friends.